Royal Haskoning and DHV merge to create a brighter future

2 Июл

В результате слияния корпораций Royal Haskoning и DHV образовался консалтинговый гигант Royal HaskoningDHV. Сотрудничество Международной юридической службы будет продолжаться уже с новой корпорацией Royal HaskoningDHV. Управляющий партнер Международной юридической службы А. Ницевич давно является экспертом, признанным Royal Haskoning. Наше сотрудничество было апробировано на проектах портовой инфраструктуры Украины, в частности, в порту Ильичевска.

Dear Mr. Nitsevych,

We are absolutely delighted to announce that Royal HaskoningDHV launches today. We are also honoured that Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has agreed to the continuation of our Royal designation.

Our company, headquartered in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, is now one of Europe’s leading project management, engineering and consultancy service providers, ranking globally in the top 10 of independently owned, non-listed companies and top 40 overall.

The signing of the merger agreement was completed on the 21st June, and, with the merger now formalised, we will operate as of today as one company. Our Executive Board will consist of Bertrand van Ee (chair), Erik Oostwegel (vice-chair), Jaska de Bakker (CFO), Henry Rowe, Frank Heemskerk and Piet Besselink. Joop van Oosten will chair the Supervisory Board, which counts 8 members in total, with Wim van Vonno as vice-chair.

Our new company is structured by market sectors and we have also appointed our sector Directors. An overview of our management and the Supervisory Board, along with further information about our new organisation, capabilities and experience, can be found at

Our newly merged company will apply its multidisciplinary skills, knowledge, experience and history to deliver added value to you on a wider global reach. Our pooled resources will enable us to invest in developing the necessary innovations for a brighter and sustainable future where, in partnership with our clients, we can enhance society together.

We continue to uphold the highest standards of business integrity and are committed to finding solutions together with you in case of perceived conflicts of interest.

Your Royal HaskoningDHV contact will be delighted to explain further should you have any questions about our company, or new or current projects.

Yours sincerely,
Royal HaskoningDHV

Royal Haskoning and DHV merge to create a brighter future Royal Haskoning and DHV merge to create a brighter future
Bertrand van Ee
Erik Oostwegel

Royal Haskoning and DHV merge to create a brighter future
Royal Haskoning and DHV merge to create a brighter future

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