Genoa wins the challenge with Zeebrugge

17 Дек

Порты Зибрюгге, Бельгия, и Генуя, Италия, находились в состоянии соревнования при отсутствии явного преимущества у одного из соперников. К сожалению бельгийские порты необратимо деградируют с закрытием двух из трех контейнерных терминалов. Генуя, напротив, развивается темпами, опережающими другие итальянские порты. В итоге, Генуя опередила Зибрюгге – один из крупнейших портов северного рэнджа. Операторы контейнерных терминалов относят это обстоятельство за счет кризиса в мировой торговле, хотя контейнерооборот в Генуе возрос на 3,4% за период с января по октябрь 2015 года.

Genoa – For several years, the ports of Genoa and Zeebrugge were in a close race for ranking in container traffic, with yearly results giving one then the other the upper hand in the top 20 of European ports. But now the Belgian port seems to have entered into irreversible decline, with the closure of two of its three container terminals. For Genoa, on the other hand, the figures up to October 2015 have shown continuous growth, albeit slight and not always smooth. In recent years, the shipping companies’ new strategies have concentrated the traffic of new large containerships in just a few ports, and this has been a boon for Genoa, which grew at a rate faster than that of other Italian ports. And it has now overtaken the port of Zeebrugge, one of the great ports of the Northern Range.

In 2012, Genoa surpassed Zeebrugge with 2,064,000 TEU against 1,953,000. The Belgians regained the upper hand in 2013, with 2,026,000 against Genoa’s 1,988,000 TEU, back below the two million TEU threshold. Last year the Genoese port pulled in front reaching 2,172,000 TEU compared to Zeebrugge’s 2,046,000 TEU. The challenge for the fourteenth place in Europe seems to be over, for now, as Zeebrugge loses steam. Less than a year ago, the ZIP Terminal (Zeebrugge International Port) closed down. It was operated by PSA of Singapore (the same group that manages the terminal of Pra-Voltri, they had thrown in the towel for the container traffic race in 2015. Now it’s the turn of CHZ (Container Handling Zeebrugge), a joint venture between the same PSA International, which holds 65%, and Terminal Link (CMA-CGM group) which holds 35%.

According to Dynamar, a maritime industry research and consulting firm, the last service that operates out of that terminal, which is the FAL1, belonging to Ocean Three (which is part of CMA-CGM), will be moving to the only container terminal remaining in Zeebrugge, the ATZ, of APM Terminals, which will keep operating in 2016. This year, the port will see a drop in volume to one million TEU handled, compared with two million TEU in 2014. The remaining business will consist of two intercontinental services by O3, operated by ships with capacity of between 13,000 and 20,000 TEU, namely the FAL1 and the AEX1/ AEC1, which service the ships of China Shipping and UASC. The reason for CHZ’s closure by PSA is the drastic reduction in traffic this year.

The terminal operator attributes the decline to the crisis in global trade, and to the shipping companies’ concentration of container flows on just a few ports. Unlike ZIP, which continues working with other types of freight, CHZ, PSA Group of Singapore will return their concession relating to an area of 42.5 hectares with one kilometre of quay. The 47 employees of the terminal will be offered other positions within the Group, such as jobs at ZIP Terminal. The 70 dock workers laid-off will return instead to the port’s labour pool. On 18 December, the port’s board of directors will consider who to entrust with the vacated concession area; P&O Ferries, has expressed interest. In short, the rapid transformation of the strategies of major container carriers has had opposite results on these two contenders. While Zeebrugge declines as a container port, Genoa is making history, having surpassed in 2012, for the first time, the 2 million TEU mark. In the last two months, however, there has been a slowdown (-8 and -1%, respectively), but the overall figures for the period January to October show Genoa is still growing (+ 3.4%).
