Ukraine – Customs fines at Nikolaev

7 Окт

В порту Николаева был наложен крупный штраф украинской таможней, поскольку на судне был обнаружен бункер в количестве, превосходящем объявленное капитаном. Капитаны судов должны быть очень внимательны при декларировании судовых запасов и снабжения при заходе в украинские порты, так как обнаружившееся расхождение при таможенном досмотре будет причиной для наложения санкций таможней.

The Correspondent in Ukraine, Dias Marine Consulting, has indicated that disproportionate fines are being imposed upon vessels calling at Nikolaev Sea Port.

The Correspondent reports that Customs Authorities are performing surveys of vessels’ bunker tanks during inward clearance and where the survey indicates a difference to the figure previously declared by the Master, the subject vessel receives a heavy fine for alleged contraband. Recent fines for shortages between 30mts and 140mts have ranged between USD 50,000 – USD 300,000.

Members should also be alert to the possibility that Customs may be auditing ships’ declarations of stores and consumables, as well as bunkers, then imposing fines where any error has been made in the declaration.

In the event that a vessel is to call at Nikolaev Sea Port, Members are advised to liaise closely with their local agent in order to try to comply with the local requirements and thus have the best chance of avoiding a fine.
