Risoil to Build Two-Sided Pier in Chornomorsk

10 Мар

At the meeting in Odessa Regional State Administration on 5 March representatives of Risoil presented the company’s investment projects, in particular construction of a two-sided pier in the harbour of Chornomorsk Port, as reported by the company’s Press Office.

“In the course of a meeting chaired by the regional governor and attended by the city and port management, Risoil S.A. executives demonstrated a development project for Chornomorsk Port. It envisages designing of a two-sided pier to enable loading two vessels at a time, resulting in the cargo turnover increase up to 60,000 t per 24 hrs. The project’s realisation is going to enlarge the company’s handling throughput as well as the inflow in the budgets of all levels”, the PO stated.

The governor got interested in the project, and after the meeting visited one already built object of Risoil Terminal. Also, the head of Regional Administration noted that he is ready to mediate between the private business and public sector for the purpose of Odessa Region’s economic development.

Let’s remind you that there were 8 new silos erected in 2019 at the company’s terminal in Chornomorsk port capable of 150,000 m3 storage. After the grain terminal expansion the total volume of grain’s simultaneous storage amounted to 350,000 m3.

