MIU and EU Delegates to Hold Round-Table Supporting Inland Water Transport Law

7 Авг

In autumn Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (MIU) in collaboration with European partners and participation of international finance institutions intends to sponsor a round-table event promulgating the adjusted text of draft law on inland water transport.
The head of Reforms Support Office of MIU Oleksandra Klitina informed that the conference is planned in October: “MIU and EU Delegation are organisers jointly with the EBRD, EIB, WB, and IFC, also we expect for direct participation and support by Transport Commission of the Parliament, and all the fractions representation, planning to invite everybody”.
She further specified that the event is to be opened and moderated by Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine and Head of EUD, as “the reform in question is paramount for the logistic system of Ukraine and for the implementation of Association Agreement with the EU”.
Earlier Ms Klitina stressed the basic compromise points of the draft law to be as follows:
– removing the river dues;
– removing the new public company previously planned to be established to service the inland waterways;
– inserting the clause envisaging exclusive rights of cabotage by river to Ukraine flag vessels (and those flags having pertinent bilateral agreements with Ukraine);
– inserting the ban to any entry to river routes of Ukraine for vessels flying the flag of aggressor state.
Let’s remind that in May Transport Committee of Ukrainian Parliament recommended the adjusted draft law on inland water transport to be used as a base.
Chairman of the subject matter committee of Parliament identified the draft as “one of the revolutionary ones in the transport field”. He noted that there had been over 200 pages of remarks and suggestions to the draft law considered in the course of its preparation. “They come from professionals, deputies associations, experts. All major principal observations were taken into account”, declared Yaroslav Dubnevich.
Later on Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine invoked the company Nibulon who is the main opponent of the Law on Inland Water Transport to support the adjust draft version.

Source: https://cfts.org.ua/news/2018/08/06/miu_i_predstaviteli_es_provedut_kruglyy_stol_v_podderzhku_zakonoproekta_o_vnutrennem_vodnom_transporte_48719