New P&I Guidelines – Practical Notes for Ships’ Personnel

19 Май

В случае чрезвычайного происшествия, которое может повлечь убытка и соответствующие требования очень важна достоверная информация и надлежащим образом оформленная документация, которая будет представлена клубу взаимного страхования. Для облегчения задачи сбора и оформления соответствующей информации плавсоставом один из наиболее серьезных клубов взаимного страхования (The West of England) и подготовил практическое руководство.

In the event of an accident or incident that may result in claims, a favourable outcome often depends on the availability of accurate information and good records. In order to remind crewmembers onboard, as well as managers ashore of the information that needs to be collated, recorded and provided to the Club following an occurrence that may give rise to claims, the Club has published a new edition of its P&I Guidelines – Practical Notes for Ships’ Personnel.

As well as focusing on the types of claims most frequently encountered by the Club, including personal injury, collisions and property damage, cargo claims and marine pollution, the guidelines also contain precautionary measures that should be taken to help reduce the likelihood of claims occurring.

The P&I Guidelines are available as a softback A5 booklet and as an encapsulated A1 wallchart, complimentary copies of which will be sent to Members for use on their vessels and in their offices in due course. If further copies are required these can be downloaded as PDF files from the website or requested from the Loss Prevention Department.

P&I Guidelines – Booklet P&I Guidelines – Wallchart

Source: West of England
