27 Апр

В соответствии со вступившей в действие Директивой 2009/20/ЕС Европейского парламента от 23 апреля 2009 года «О страховании судовладельцев в отношении морских тре­бований», Секретариатом Турецкой Республики по мор­ским делам были приняты Правила «О страховании и про­верке судов в отношении морских претензий» («Правила»), вступившие в силу 1 июля 2011 года. Согласно этим Прави­лам, все суда, заходящие в порты Турецкой Республики после 01.07.2011, подвергаются проверкам со стороны пор­товых властей на предмет наличия страхового сертифи­ката, подтверждающего страхование ответственности по морским требованиям. В случае отсутствия такого серти­фиката, суда не будут допускаться в порты Турции до тех пор, пока судовладелец не известит о наличии сертификата в соответствии с Правилами.

Which ships the Regulation ap­plies on?

The vessels having a gross ton­nage of 300 or greater flying under Turkish flag and regardless of the flag state, the vessels which are en­tering or leaving the port facility within the Turkish territorial wa­ters are obliged to maintain P&I in­surance to cover maritime claims subject to the limitation within the Convention on Limitation of Liabi­lity for Maritime Claims, 1976 (“1976 Convention”) and the Pro­tocol of 1996 to amend the 1976 Convention (“1996 Protocol”).

It is necessary to state that the Regulation does not apply on batt­leships, assisting battleships or vessels belonged to the govern­ment and used for public services and non-commercial purposes, or vessels operated by the govern­ment.

What is the amount of the limi­tation of liability?

The amount of the insurance for each and every vessel per incident shall be equal to the relevant maxi­mum amount for the limitation of liability as laid down in the 1996 Protocol to the 1976 Convention.

The insurance policy must in­clude at least two insurance cove­rages for separate coverage limits with regards to the field of death and injury matters and the other claims.

What are the obligations of the shipowners?

In accordance with the Article 6 of the Regulation, the obligations of the shipowners are indicated as follows:

1) Upon the demand of the com­petent authority, the vessels, which arrive to the port facility in the Turkish jurisdiction or which arrive to the place for the purpose of loading, discharging or ancho­ring within the Turkish territorial waters, shall provide a copy of their insurance policy to the nearest port authority or the port authority on their route through the agent located in Turkey prior to their entrance to the Turkish terri­torial waters.

2) Upon the demand of the competent authority, if the insurance policy of a vessel becomes invalid due to whatever reason, P&l insurance policy shall be renewed and
shall be provided by the shipowner in accordance with the articles of this Regulation. A copy of the new insurance policy shall be provided to the nearest port authority
before leaving the port facility and the Turkish territorial waters through the agent located in Turkey.

3) The port authorities are entitled not to give permission for docking, mooring and certificate of seaworthiness for vessels, which fail to comply with the obligation of the notification indicated under the Article 6.

It has been indicated that the vessel should carry a valid P&I po­licy on board. What is capacity of the port aut­horities in relation to the inspec­tion of the insurance policy?

What is capacity of the port aut­horities in relation to the inspec­tion of the insurance policy?

In accordance with the Article 7[1] of the Regulation, it is set forth that the port authorities can inspect the vessel at any time so as to be aware of the insurance policy is carried on board and valid.
Can the Certificate of Entry be used instead of the insurance po­licy?

The document, which is issued as a valid Certificate of Entry (“CoE”), is also accepted as the ori­ginal insurance policy.

Can the insurance policy be used in an electronic copy?

If the policy is in the form of an electronic copy, confirmation sho­uld be obtained by the authorities from the website of the insurance company concerning the validity of the policy.

If there is any concern as to the P&I policy, the confirmation sho­uld be taken from the local corres­pondent of the insurance company by the authorities.

Moreover, the latest situation concerning the validity of the po­licy can also be checked and deter­mined by contacting the persons in charge from the Undersecretariat.

What are consequences for shi­powner if the valid insurance po­licy is not kept on board?

In accordance with the Article 7/III of the Regulation, if the in­surance policy is not carried on board, the port authority may issue an order for the expulsion from the port facility. In this case, Undersecretariat and the related flag state country shall be noti­fied.

The port authorities can refuse entry of this vessel into the ports until the copy of the valid insu­rance policy is submitted by the shipowner.

In which cases the penalty may be imposed by the relevant port authority?

If shipowner breaches the obli­gation set forth in Article 6/II sta­ting that if the insurance policy of a vessel being within the port faci­lities becomes invalid due to wha­tever reason, P&I insurance policy shall be renewed and shall be pro­vided by the shipowner in accor­dance with the articles of the Regu­lation. A copy of the new insu­rance policy shall be provided to the nearest port authority before leaving the port facility and the Turkish territorial waters through the agent located in Turkey;

If shipowner does not comply with the notification obligation about the insurance policy on board;

If shipowner does not have a valid insurance policy.

How often the inspection on board is executed?

The existence of the P&I insurance policy is requested from every vessel, which is subject to the Regulations, before their entrance to the Turkish territory. If the vessel has no valid P&I insurance policy, she is prohibited to enter to the Turkish territory until the valid P&I insurance policy is submitted to the related authority.

[1] Article 7 of the Regulation states as follows; “(1) The protection and indem­nity insurance policy issued against the maritime claims must be on board. (2) The vessels, which are at the port facili­ties, may be at any time inspected by the port authorities on whether she has the insurance policy and whether it is valid. (3) In events there is no insurance policy of board, the port authority may issue an order for the expulsion from the port fa­cility. In this case, the Undersecretariat and the related flag state country shall be notified. Additionally, the entrance re­quest of this vessel may not be accepted until the shipowner submits the valid in­surance policy.”

2 Article 7/III of the Regulation states as follows;”… (3) In events there is no in­surance policy of board, the port autho­rity may issue an order for the expulsion from the port facility. In this case, the Un­dersecretariat and the related flag state country shall be notified. Additionally, the entrance request of this vessel may not be accepted until the shipowner sub­mits the valid insurance policy.”

О6 авторе:

Селин Копарал.

Юридическая компания «Гюр» (Gur Law Firm), партнер; Турция, г. Стамбул. Окончила правовой факультет Универси­тета Башкент (Baskent Universitesi) г. Анкара в 2002 г. В 2003 г. получила степень магистра по управлению биз­неса, Университет Ишик (Isik Universitesi). С 2002 по 2007 г. работала в юридиче­ской компании «Гюр» (Gur Law Firm). С 2007 по 2009 г. работала в юридиче­ской компании «Пекин & Баяр» (Pekin & Bayar Law Firm). С 2009 г. работает в юридической компании «Гюр» (Gur Law Firm). Является партнером компании.

Источник: Морское страхование. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 68 – 70.

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