Chinese Pollution Regulations FAQs & Updated List of SPROs

23 Дек

В Китае приняты новые правила профилактики и контроля за загрязнением моря с судов. Подкомитет по загрязнению окружающей среды Международной группы клубов взаимного страхования разработал в связи с этим свой циркуляр для облегчения понимания своими членами этих правил.

Members will be aware of the recent regulations introduced in China in respect of prevention and control of marine pollution from ships. For the Club’s circular of 7 December 2011 outlining the regulations, please click here. In order to aid Members in understanding and adhering to the latest regulations, the Pollution Sub-Committee of the International Group have now produced FAQs, which can be found by clicking here and a further circular of 23 December 2011 (click here).

As Members will have noted from the recent circular, a full list of approved SPROs has still not been issued but a partial list of Level 1 SPROs had been published. This list has now been updated and can be found by clicking here.

The News Alerts Team
The London P&I Club

Источник: NewsAlerts []

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