Legal Problems of Land Use under Climate Change

30 Окт

В статье рассматривается значение Украины в мировой системы охраны и защиты окружающей среды, в особенности, земельных ресурсов. В частности, автор посвящает много внимания вопросам, связанным с международными стандартами экологического права, и приходит к выводу о том, что национальное право Украины, в том числе земельное законодательство, недостаточно ясно отражает эти стандарты.

In recent years humanity has become more concerned than ever about issues re­lated to changes in climatic conditions of human existence in certain areas. It would that legislation does not have anything to do with this. However, climate change is a com­prehensive problem of civilization that should be addressed compre­hensively legal regulation both in international and in national law.

The priority of the problem is undeniable. The global climate change is one of the trends that influences development of the military and political situation in the world (Order of the Presi­dent of Ukraine of 8 June 2012 No.390/2012 on the decision of the Council of the National Se­curity and Defence of Ukraine of 8 June 2012 on the new version of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine).

Within the confines of nation­al legislation, this area is governed by the provisions of civil, land, environmental, administrative, and even criminal law. First of all, law-making in different countries deals with efforts to reduce the adverse effects of human activi­ties on the climate system (known as an anthropogenic factor). At the same time, the system of national legislation should be based primarily on supranational norms, i.e. on the norms of inter­national legal instruments.

For example, the most impor­tant instrument in the interna­tional legal regulation of green­house gas concentrations in the atmosphere, in our opinion, is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change of 1992. It was the Convention that was followed by the well-known Kyoto Protocol.

It should be noted that climate change occurs not only due to hu­man activities. It is driven also by a number of objective factors that cannot be ignored (e.g., the shift of the Earth’s axis). And it is difficult to evaluate the impact of various factors.

Given the structure of indus­trial production in Ukraine, it is an undisputed fact that land is the most important production factor in our country in the global eco­nomic system. At the same time, land is perhaps one of the most vulnerable assets, namely vulner­able to global climate change.

According to experts, the out­comes of iridizations (lesser hu­midity of the soil layer) can lead to the incapacity of territories for human habitation and economic activities of significant regions of Ukraine, and namely:

—  the loss of about 15 to 21 million hectares of arable land;

— the loss of annual gross yield of 24 to 40 million tons of high-quality grains and other food crops;

— uncontrolled migration of the steppe zone population to the northern regions of the country due to the inability to continue agricultural production, shortage of fresh water (Alexander Ivash-chenko / Kalahari — Ukrainian Steppe Zerkalo Nedeli. Ukraine Is­sue 31, 7 September 2012).

According to Ukrainian Agricul­ture Minister Nikolay Prisyazhniuk in the last 20 years the tempera­ture has risen by 2 degrees, and so the agricultural sector in Ukraine will suffer. He said, “Sugar beet mi­grated 150 km from south to north, and the same is true of soybeans. We can see already that harvests in the north are double those in the south. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure there is an efficient system of irrigation in place”.

Thus, we can say that in the near future the existing legal mechanisms for regulating the use of land would not be capa­ble to properly address the issues that arise. This primarily refers to the change in the uses of land. Just imagine a situation where a modem businessman leases ag­ricultural land for a long term in the southern part of our country, for example, somewhere near the unique Oleshkivsky sands, which are mistakenly referred to as the largest desert in Europe.

The land can be used for sev­eral years and can yield agricul­tural products, i.e. it can be used appropriately. But after a while, the land exhausted by the climate change may degrade, natu­ral or anthropogenic landscape simplification can occur, and useful properties and functions of land and other organic land components can deteriorate (the On Protection of Land Act of Ukraine), and in its turn it can lead to the impossibility of use of such land. What should be done in this case? Can the user or owner of such land rely on com­pensation of its losses associated with the inability of agricultural activities? Or would he face a bu­reaucratic system that would de­termine that the owner himself is guilty and the role of human factor was the key one. Because treatment of such risky land may be possible, subject to numerous regulations on the basis of spe­cific land management projects (such as rehabilitation projects). And all actions aimed at compli­ance with many of the legislation provisions should be implement­ed at one’s own expense.

On 17 June 1994 the UN Convention to Combat Deser­tification has been adopted for those countries experiencing se­rious drought and/or desertifica­tion, particularly in Africa (here­inafter — the Convention), that came into effect on 26 Decem­ber 1996. The On Ukraine s Acces­sion to the United Nations Con­vention to Combat Desertification in those Countries Experiencing serious Drought and/or Desertifi­cation, particularly in Africa Act of Ukraine of 4 July 2002 made Ukraine a signatory of the afore­mentioned convention.

Currently, there are 194 mem­ber states of the Convention. This Convention is one of the largest in­ternational environmental agree­ments in the field of environment along with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and the men­tioned UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Together, they make up the so-called three Rio-Convention that were approved at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 1992 in Rio de Ja­neiro, Brazil.

The main purpose of the Con­vention is to consolidate the glo­bal efforts to combat various types of land degradation under natural and anthropogenic factors. But compared with the Kyoto Protocol, which always is a news trigger in Ukraine because of its money intensity, the Convention is not so well known in Ukraine even though its priority is just as high.

So back to our example. Un­der the influence of natural fac­tors land may lose its agricul­tural value. What of the owner’s manual? In accordance with Ar­ticles 91 and 96 of the Land Code of Ukraine landowners and land users are obliged to use them inappropriately. Therefore, the use of land, which has lost its economic and ecological value from adverse natural phenom­ena, a change in the purpose of land that is performed accord­ing to the procedure changing the purpose of land owned by individuals or legal entities, ap­proved by the Cabinet of Minis­ters of Ukraine of 11 April 2002, No.502. Otherwise citizens and legal entities shall be responsible in accordance with Article 211 of the Land Code of Ukraine and Ar­ticle 53 of the On Administrative Offences Code of Ukraine.

But current Ukrainian legis­lation does not pay compensation to a landowner for land losses in­curred in the event of land deg­radation. Moreover, the initiative and even the duty to change the purpose lies directly on entrepre­neurs. In the country there are no clear criteria for determining the impact of specific factors on soil quality changes.

At present sectoral Ukrainian legislation on protection of land is aimed primarily at determin­ing the role of the state as an ad­ministrator, originator and finan­cier of land protection measures. At the same time, the Convention stipulates that the state is obliged to mobilize substantial financial resources, including grants and loans on favorable terms, in order to support the implementation of programs to combat desertifica­tion and mitigate the effects of drought; facilitate mobilization of adequate, timely and predic­able financial resources, includ­ing new and additional financial resources of the Global Environ­ment Facility, to meet the agreed incremental costs of activities related to desertification and meet the four central parts, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the document on the establishment of the Global Environment Facility; facilitate through international Coop­eration transfer of technology, knowledge and know-how.

But these declarative rules are not clearly reflected in Ukrainian legislation, including land legislation. And it can lead to a poor and not so high investment in the image of the state.

It is apparent that the scope of legal regulations in the field of climate change tend to ex­pand both internationally and nationally. And this expansion is a result of the new challenges facing humanity in the course of its existence, and often enough, it becomes the cause of these chal­lenges.

Автор: Vasyl E. POSTULGA, Anna N. BREUS

Источник: The Ukrainian Journal of Business Law. – 2012. – № 10. – Р. 23 – 24.

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